Thank you so much for stopping by my tiny slice of the internet! My name is Sara, and I'm an author. Once upon a time, I referred to myself as an aspiring author, but the fierce, fantastic historical romance novelist K.C. Bateman put the kibosh on that, remind me that I write. I've finished a book. Therefore, I'm already an author.
That said, I'm an author whose book hasn't been sprung onto the world yet. I write funny, fizzy contemporary romance, and I'm hoping to go the traditional publishing route. This blog will chronicle my progress and my thoughts on writing, and, if I'm being honest, it will undoubtedly dip into pop culture and television, too. To know me is to know my favorite TV shows.
Again, I appreciate your interest in my writing. For periodic updates on my journey, please subscribe to my newsletter. In the meantime, take your time exploring the neighborhood!